Cleanup done…

Although, the site looks kinda crunchy now. All content should be there and the Javascript links that were inserted to redirect viewers to some credit card spam site now aim at a big fat 404 from (harmless but, it’ll need a proper cleanup later). I didn’t have the courage to try to use the SQL replace statement to nuke the entire <script>…. string… so I just borked its URL.

Occupational Hazards

…. When you walk into the studio at like 11 PM, NOBODY else is there, and you’re carrying a huge armload of tools… you walk past a studio door where a long quiet outro of a song has been playing out and suddenly THIS COMES BLASTING OUT

….. in other news I now know exactly which sockets are missing from the socket set and just how far down the hallway they can roll when I FREAK OUT AND THROW EVERYTHING TO THE FLOOR IN SURPRISE WTF

I’ve never been to The Beadman. It sounds like a pretty neat store honestly, but damn if THAT part of their radio ad sounds like nothing else reasonable in this known freaking universe

To be the Chief Evangelist?

Found on the box of a Creality Ender 3 printer….

Uh yeah, sufficient levels of fnord are present. I wonder what the instruction manual looks like?

Speaking of things that have leggy frames, Linguini Mountain is evolving into its final form.

And here’s a thing that’s also afraid of wet…. an aluminum field flange…. also scheduled for replacement. I’m really hoping the innards of that combiner contain none of that folderol. My boss told me that the aluminum fittings are common in the cellular industry, where it works fine because they don’t mix aluminum and brass. If only we were so lucky. Fnord.