Every now and then the gate operator at my apartment complex either leaves the gate open forever or opens like eight inches and dies so I have to get out and shove it open. This explains why.

Also, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

* just imagine an angy possum hiss

Shitpost #3141592

In honor of whoever the holder of mysterious Dogecoin whale account is having made deposits of 420, 69, 420.69, and 3.141592 coins just to show off. (who the hell are you?)

Today I found out this mysterious BK Dynascan component tester/curve tracer was also sold as the Polar T-1000 or T-1200 so I finally have a manual! Woo.

And with the posting of Milkwalker, I dedicate the rest of this to shitposts and random memes.

Read more “Shitpost #3141592”

You wanted actual pixels? (Panasonic BT-S901YN)

Well, if you look up the brochure for this thing they say up to 300 lines resolution…

Thing’s so fuzzy when I first plugged it in I thought it needed a focus adjustment. No… It just needs…… actual resolution.

Seriously, what were you thinking, Panasonic? I’ve got dank memes with more pixels than this.

How many people came away from using these monitors with a lifetime of eyestrain?

How cold did this even get??

I keep staring at this photo someone sent me on Facebook in amazement and confusion:

I’m a little confused as to whether this is from a weep water system slowly running water through the lines to avoid freeze damage between the equipment room and the gantry, or if it actually attempted a wash cycle at like… -20F or something… and just became a giant aesthetically pleasing mass of colorful ice. Either way, it’s beautiful, but not very useful until temperatures rise and possibly a few blown out hoses get changed.


Turbo says hello, why aren’t you already petting me? Heeeey!

Speaking of cats who always want all the love… Here’s Cassie being a happy snuggle bug


Hmmm. That snööt… I shall be sneaky and…

Aw, she caught me in the act.

Not that she didn’t want to be bööped, though…

What kind of sunflower is this?

On a far different note I got this jacket at a thrift store and it’s the loudest shiniest damn thing ever and I love it