Shitposting at 151.820 megacycles

Hatsune Miku EQX router

I’m pretty sure the nasty all in one would make the nice turquoise fade out to dead grass green, but I dunno. I have never let anything that foul touch my elegant rainbow.

I’m pretending to know what I’m doing with makeup, if this raises any questions please refer to the following meme

It’s Flat Fuck FB Friday
Poor Todoroki isn’t looking so great after spending a while on my transmitter site keys

¡Atencion! Esto es un post de mierda.

Yeah so now I know why nobody ever does the grid scrub / ESCIOT outgassing procedure on this thing– it makes it nigh fucking impossible

Yeah sure just leave it in standby while ramping up the grid voltage aaaaaand I’m just going to keep repeatedly kicking out into BG Heat and reducing the filament voltage to make your life interesting.


So yeah after I managed to get the dumb thing through the grid scrub and tried to put it back on air I experienced a very loud and through “oops I’m crowbarring and taking the whole plant down with me as I go” incident due to an arc in the tube at just 8 kilowatts output, it really isn’t ready to go back to work and is being a spicy little electron box.

I’m going home and hiding myself under this cat