is this loss.jpg

Today’s massive nuclear facepalm count:


1. I was asked to see what would be needed to put my cluster’s MARTI UHF remote radios back in service.

2. I saw on Facebook that someone got a tattoo of a lineart interpretation of the fucking Loss meme.

Why. why would you do either one of those things to yourself? Using the MARTI for a remote broadcast sucks but having a shit meme tattooed on yourself is just amazingly dumb.

Tattoos are a piece of art, both ephemeral and long lasting, that one displays upon their body. The loss meme is just awful. It’ll be forgotten as all your base in a few years and yet. Well…. can you imagine trying to explain this shit in like ten years? Pictured, the original comic panel and a similar lineart interpretation of loss.

I dunno, loss.jpg will still probably be better than setting up that will-burt mast and antenna only to find you’re cockblocked by having no line of sight and a Fresnel zone situation… I doubt the plan is to use that dino-radio often.

Guess I’m too easily amused

Hey everyone I just learned that the bizarre Bethel cult ministry here runs the… Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.

Yeah they actually called it that and I am laughing my ass off in response. How perfectly pretentious and bizarre.

Apparently there are other Schools of Supernatural Ministry around too.

First image (from Bethel’s Facebook page) is what the second image immediately makes me think of…
(wait, invert that, WordPress is being a dong)

this is actually located in a ‘power strip’ shopping center.

The Crag!

The washing machine started banging occasionally during its cycle, suggesting something heavy left in a pocket. Well…

I recognize this weird variegated granite; it’s typical of the rock found at about 2500 feet up on the road to one of my transmitter sites – Linguini Mountain, if you’ve been following my crazed shitposting on the place.

This immediately got me thinking of Nickelodeon Guts, as one does, and how the winner who reached the top of the Aggro Crag first got to take home a piece of the Crag.

Does this mean I won?

technology, magic, malevolent sentience, etc

Please forgive the random test posts I’ve made from time to time, I had an odd issue where I sporadically couldn’t log into WordPress but the Jetpack stuff was still working so I could still use the mobile app, which at some point in its history migrated from being just a standalone client for WordPress to basically being a frontend for Jetpack. Because Everything Should Be A Stupid Cloud Service and all that. Fnord. And now for no particular reason, here’s the porcelain thinking chair over at the Noise of NorCal, 106.7 ZRock.

I really couldn’t tell you why the WordPress nonsense happened— it kind of looks like MAYBE the salt value for the salted password hash in the database was not reliably being used correctly?? It was an odd one. Whatever. It works now.

How you’ve grown

It’s strange how Apple Computer went from making some of the most innovative and hacker friendly computers in the 80s to making a walled garden bauble smartphone with forced obsolescence. Then again it’s hilarious how Microsoft went from making a BASIC interpreter to just being a basic bitch.

Picture unrelated.