A tale of amplifiers.

Here’s a story I’ve been meaning to tell for a while.

Once upon a time, there was a wonderful isle of dreams, and a television station built upon it. To carry the sounds to accompany its magically delivered pictures, there was a set of audio distribution amplifiers.

And oh baby what amplifiers they are….

The guys on the right. Ignore the dark power lights, they're soldered in incandescent...

And their, uh, not the best side


The company stuck around until 1985

And now the heart:


Those of you who are like me will also notice, this is six individually transformer isolated outputs and one transformer isolated input.


Fairly simple amp stages.


The dual power supply. One regulator on each end. This is the older design; the newer one has two separate regulator cards.

These lived happily until one day, one regulator card let out a biiiiiig fart.


For comparison, this is what the other end looked like:


Oh how it stank that morning on the wonderful isle of dreams!

The finest nose on the isle located the stench and an engineer set to restoring the precious music of the angels to flow beyond it. Fortunately he found only two channels still in use, each feeding one output… Thus:

Emergency passive near unity gain audio distribution system.

This engineer was haunted from that day by the knowledge that some very mission critical audio still runs through that stack and the amps aren’t getting any younger.

However, they are, at least, better than the modern equivalent.


I'll just take my chances with the old Ramko Research shit boxes, thanks

deadmaül sunset


one of those dead malls
blank walls and a smell of cleaner unbroken by nonexistent human inhabitation
‘discount stores’


who still fills the fountain? automata?

actually all the same store

same chinashit
different husk
  same smell of plastic and stale urine

booth in the corridor that provides free echoes

canvas covered mystery lump

booth that advertises they make keys and pierce ears
  apparatus for one is stored on top of the apparatus for the other

hollow buzz of shorted neon

imagining where the arcade must have been

the food court

the orange Julius

Chess King?

the exit door screeches open into–


the night


Image composites/manipulation done in Autodesk’s Pixlr app.

You know… Autodesk… The company that brought us all CAD software for turning engineering dreams into reality? Oh they make realities all right.

The mystery DAT tape

Someone gave my family a HHB Portadat and it had a tape in it. The content of the tape is…. most curious.

Picture unrelated.

It’s this loop of the same voice repeating a story about telegraph lines over and over while a test tone plays on the other track… Except, then, it isn’t. At one point the tone disappears, background noise pops up, and the voice changes.


Here’s a sample of the two voices.

And the entire tape, if you wish to scare small children.

This is where creepypasta comes from, everyone…

The old Plantation Fashion Mall

How on earth did WordPress EAT this the first time I posted it? Anyway… I am saddened I never got to see the old Plantation Fashion Mall open, after seeing some beautiful pictures of it after closing.

From Cap Blackard's beautiful photo set of the mall after closing.
From Cap Blackard’s beautiful photo set of the mall after closing.

Well. What do we do with closed malls in South Florida? YAFULC ‘EM!!! Yet Another Fucking Urban Lifestyle Center, GO! This one calls for 750 residential units and an amazingly generous TWO possible entrances and exits – one of which puts you in a neverending traffic jam on University Drive, the other dumps you to a two lane residential street that serves thousands of other residential units in other complexes. Same shit, different toilet, and much like the American [Wet] Dream project, it’s Made In China.