
Just when you least expect it, what’s basically a portable scalar network analyzer starts talking to you in THIS FONT and you start disbelieving your own eyes:

Wonder if that’s from that Microsoft core fonts package that they made freely available years ago then pretended they didn’t
Oh by the way the antenna is …. Uh. It’s… not?

Root cause of that scary looking reflect plot was revealed by a quick walk up the stairs to the roof to be an almost completely disintegrated piece of LMR-400. My coworker assured me it worked perfectly fine five years ago……..

This post brought to you by the Premium Grade No-Pass Filter

This is several kilobucks worth of hardware that was misapplied to create a special filter that…. nothing would pass. See if you can spot the issue!

Our IT director dropped a non working Wyse serial terminal on my bench. I don’t think he expected me to tear it open and try to fix it, I think it has an open diode or bad cap in the +5v supply. It’s gonna be the serial console for a Linux machine if I can get it glowing.

And then I was asked to come on Good Day, pose dramatically on a giant shoe, and discuss the a ridiculous goth house. Just because.

Useful cybergoth meme
Kittie was so boss
No U

This has been a elliptically polarized shitpost.

Oh hi there

Mutual boop!!


A wonderful “The Emperor’s New Groove” meme that Facezuck banned as spam

I’m sure there’s a way that these are installed to the grounding system normally. This certainly is a way. I’m not sure if it’s a good one, but it’s certainly a way.

pelicans are just entirely illogical
No, it doesn’t work
My advice on how to program one of these drives: ensure that programming one of these drives is a task scheduled for when you’re vacationing entirely off grid in another state
One of these days I’ll figure out how to change the vertical scale on this thing. It’s easy on the FSH3, highly… elusive… on the FSL… Though it will automatically change when you switch to OBW measurement… ??

I dunno… 73 and good night. Just felt like posting nonsense.

visualizing data, irritatingly

Which looks sillier to an uninitiated observer, the results of this butt-dial Google search or my mess of a DMR radio codeplug?

In other news, buzzard puke alert! Changing the “Radio IP Address” field in Motorola TRBO CPS is not how you change the repeater’s Ethernet IP, it’s just how you get it to throw blank error messages with no explanation. Well that’s a solid block of fnord.

You just broadcasted cringe!

Yesterday I noticed while at the hall of suds that CNN was kinda awkwardly taking someone else’s network feed from the CPAC conference* to air leading to a kinda Dueling Chyrons situation.

Given a little more thought, I don’t blame them, would YOU want to attend that crap? I’m pretty sure among other things it’s an absolutely guaranteed COVID-19 superspreader event, but then it’s… just ew.

* pure uncut cringe.

Anyway let’s just continue shitposting things


Can you just lob these filthy things in the wash? I wish.



grumble grumble blower vfd not configured to automatically ride through and restart after power glitch grumble

Shitpost #3141592

In honor of whoever the holder of mysterious Dogecoin whale account is having made deposits of 420, 69, 420.69, and 3.141592 coins just to show off. (who the hell are you?)

Today I found out this mysterious BK Dynascan component tester/curve tracer was also sold as the Polar T-1000 or T-1200 so I finally have a manual! Woo.

And with the posting of Milkwalker, I dedicate the rest of this to shitposts and random memes.

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